Frequently Asked

Find answers to your most pressing questions about our studio, courses, and more in our Frequently Asked Questions section.
What Classes do you offer and where can I sign up?
All of our classes can be found on our Classes and page This is also where you can get more info, enroll, and pay.
Can I audit a class?
To maintain the integrity of the classroom and protect our currently training students in sensitive scene work, we no longer offer audits. If you’d like more info about a class, please email to be connected to the instructor.
To whom should I reach out if I have questions?
What other services do you offer?
One on Ones, Coaching, Demo Reel/Clip editing with Back to One Creative, Headshots with C Dyer Photography, and Audition Taping
Where can I find the Drama Inc. Student Info Sheet?
What's the cancellation policy?
All classes must be paid in full by the first class; extenuating circumstances can be discussed.

A non-refundable deposit is required to hold your spot.

Drama Inc does not offer refunds if you drop/cancel a class. If you drop/cancel a class more than 1 week before the start date, you will receive a full credit for the amount paid good for one year from the date of purchase. Drops, cancellations, or changes within a week of the start date will be subject to a $75 administration fee subtracted from your deposit amount. Cancellations less than 2 days of start date and anytime after, are not eligible for credit.

Make up classes – We consider illness, emergencies, and booked acting work (not background/extra work) with prior notice (as far as possible), as excused absences. Anything else is generally unexcused. Unexcused absences cannot be made up as make-up classes are reserved for excused absences. If it’s an excused absence, you can make up the class by going to another class of the same level in the same month with approval from all instructors. We understand that some classes do not have multiple sessions in the same month, but unfortunately, we have too many students to accommodate make ups for each and every absence for every class. You can ask a classmate for notes or catch up in the following classes. You can also ask the instructor the best way to make up missed work. We do not prorate for missed classes.

Ongoing classes are billed monthly and enrollment is calendar month to month. Our monthly on-going classes are priced low enough so people can remain in them from month to month knowing there will be things that come up and there will be classes missed. We do not prorate for missed classes.

Strengthen Your Craft with Drama Inc!

Explore our comprehensive range of classes for actors of all levels. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned professional, our experienced instructors will guide you every step of the way.

Our Classes