About Me

Kathleen Hogan has been a professional actress for 32 years, and while she started her acting career on the stage, the last 12 years have been primarily in film and television. She graduated Magna Cum Laude from Kent State University with a BA in Theatre, and an undergrad Honors Thesis in Shakespearean Performance.

She spent 12 years in New York City working as an actress on the stage, and has spent the last 12 years in the Atlanta market, primarily as a film and television actress. For four of those years, she was the co-founder and Executive Director of The Circle Ensemble Theatre Company.

Throughout her years in NYC and Atlanta, coaching other actors for auditions and technique and teaching acting classes and workshops have been a constant. With decades of experience as an acting coach, she is adept in learning style assessment, performance assessments, and giving performance adjustments that are insightful and specifically tailored to each individual’s talents and strengths.

As a working actor in this market, she brings vital, up-to-the-moment insight and energy to the studio and prepares and encourages her clients to do the same. Please check out Kathleen’s film and television credits on IMdB.com. Kathleen is represented by Atlanta Models and Talent.


V: Advanced Uta Hagen - WED EVE

V: Advanced Uta Hagen - WED EVE

Advanced Uta Hagen is a continuation of the study of Uta Hagen’s Object Exercises that we began in Uta Hagen: The Way In.

$ 195.00 USD
V: On Camera Intermediate - MON EVE

V: On Camera Intermediate - MON EVE

This class is the continuation of your on camera journey. Now you have a good foundation of what it means to act for the camera, we’re going to take that and build upon it.

$ 195.00 USD
V: On Camera Essentials - TUES EVE

V: On Camera Essentials - TUES EVE

This class is the continuation of On Camera Basics. Now that you have a good foundation of what it means to act for the camera, we’re going to take that and build upon it.

$ 195.00 USD
V: Uta Hagen The Way In - FRI EVE

V: Uta Hagen The Way In - FRI EVE

Make more specific choices and facilitate acting from a place of truth by utilizing Uta Hagen’s Object Exercises and applying them to your practice and process.

$ 395.00 USD
IP: The Essence of Linklater - THURS EVE

IP: The Essence of Linklater - THURS EVE

This Linklater-based class is a synergy of Linklater fundamentals with a unique mix of exercises developed by Kathleen over the span of her training.

$ 295.00 USD


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