IP: Scene Study For The Camera - THURS DAY

IP: Scene Study For The Camera - THURS DAY
Claire Bronson
IP: Scene Study For The Camera - THURS DAY
Scott Poythress
$ 195.00 USD
4 weeks/On Going (monthly)
11:00am – 2:00pm
In Person
Upcoming Dates Options
April 2025May 2025July* 2025

About the Class

This class is the best of all worlds. A Scene Study class that combines an on camera element, allowing actors to use this additional tool to further hone their craft.

One month of straight scene study.

One month of taped scene work.

One month of on camera class.

Rinse and repeat…

Here's a brief course description for each month...

  1. Scene Study: actors sign up each month, 3 to 4 slots per class, to perform a few scenes of their choosing with no camera element.
  2. Taped Scene Work: actors  sign up each month, 3 to 4 slots per class, to perform a few scenes they've previously worked, but this time they will be taped. Actors will have the ability to play to the camera, just like on set, AND watch their work afterwards.
  3. On Camera Class: actors will have a month of on camera classwork, with nothing but a reader to work off of. Everyone will work each week this month. The goal is for actors to bring those script analysis skills they utilize in their scene work to their OC auditions. To practice this, there will be a different challenge each week.
    • Wk 1 - Send in a past audition of the actor's choosing: we will watch and rework in class.
    • Wk 2- Two different choices: tape a short scene at home two different ways, send them in and we will watch/rework in class.
    • Wk 3 - Cold reads: each actor will be assigned a cold read, we will give everyone 10 mins at the top of class to work on it, and then the actor will go live in class and receive notes.
    • Wk 4 - Grab bag: Scott and I will decide, anything from an assignment of our choosing, an in class exercise, to a special guest.

*All Adult classes 18 and over unless otherwise specified.

**NOTE – Prerequisites – SASS (or a similar script analysis class) is required and a technique is a bonus. Email claire@dramainc.net, scott@dramainc.net, and info@dramainc.net for consideration. A 3 month commitment with deposit is required for first time Scene Study students. This is a necessity of the process. We are happy to discuss payment plans.


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