IP: Viewpoints Movement for the Camera - MON EVE

IP: Viewpoints Movement for the Camera - MON EVE
Eliana Marianes
IP: Viewpoints Movement for the Camera - MON EVE

About the Class

The Viewpoints technique is perfect for the actor who wants to get out of the head and into the body.

The Viewpoints technique is perfect for the actor who wants to get out of the head and into the body. It’s an energizing movement method designed to teach you to follow your impulses, free yourself from judgment, and make bold choices. Don’t just be a talking head… Viewpoints will help you use your body to set yourself apart in auditions and to up your game on screen.

Through this class, actors will learn:
• How to apply physical and vocal tools to take direction
• How to build a character with an engaging physical life
from a character breakdown
• How to communicate meaning and story with just your
body (vital for those day player roles or ensemble work!)
• How to use your unique body and movement style to
stand out in the audition room
• How to connect to your impulses, and trust your gut
while you work
• How to feel comfortable in your own skin while acting

Note: No prior acting experience is required for this class. Be ready to try new things and move your body!

***All Adult classes 18 and over unless otherwise specified.


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